
Hello and welcome to my website. Thank you for visiting.

I am a writer (and wannabe) thinker based in the Caribbean. Writing for me is therapy and also a tool that allows me to analyse the shaping hand of history and culture on the vagaries of modern life. I enjoy focusing on issues of social justice, politics, and identity, taking a comic angle where necessary. Life may be mean but it is also too short not to enjoy poking fun at it all!

My journey from a small temperate island to an even smaller tropical one has enriched my understanding of the human condition and life’s one core truth  – people are the same wherever you go!

Tropical zombie

Being a huge fan of the zombie genre, I entitled my blog, Notes From Zombie Island, and I enjoy using the zombie trope as an allegory for modern life.

I fled an island whose entire population appeared to be infected with the zombic virus. They were everywhere, the stumbling brain dead attempting to sate a voracious appetite by dining on the flesh of the living. Seeking safety on an even smaller island I thought I had found sanctuary, but alas … the zombic virus is everywhere!

I hope you will enjoy my ramblings and find something to amuse while joining me in my journey to speak truth to power (love that!)





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